西京白帝城, 水阔人稀。山映斜阳天接水, Clouds in the west are flushing with the hills, Like a lake draped with mist and haze.
疏钟不断漏, 暗鸟空相悲。乱烟飞渡仙女散, 暮雨潇湘神女稀。
Brocade carriages linger by the riverside,
As burnt offerings fizz with the setting sun’s light.
The air confides the mossy aroma of springs jade,
Singing birds in every tree greet the festival once again.
茫茫去年冤鬼, 飘泊西南陵。行人到此皆悲, 忆及棠棣生荆。
可怜骨董清官, 为赋新诗落惆。时有宠辱思量, 不废江河万古清。
暝色入城来, 离人泪两行。孤灯背却西楼, 愁思江北江南。清怨见心天, 岁月亦过伤。已过清明更漏迟, 留得旧时丝竹声。